Docx to Markdown

Click here to upload a .docx file or drag and drop the .docx file to the dotted area

Markdown Text
Double click to select

How to use Docx to Markdown tool?

  1. Click the dotted area to upload the local docx file, or drag the local docx file to the dotted area
  2. The parsed Markdown text will be displayed in the editing area on the left, you can copy or download the Markdown source code
  3. The right area will display the parsed HTML page

What is Markdown?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents. Created by John Gruber in 2004, Markdown is now one of the world’s most popular markup languages.

Why Convert?

  1. The text format in Markdown format is unified, standardized and easy to understand
  2. We can easily distribute the converted Markdown content to more blog platforms, almost all blog platforms support the Markdown format
  3. Save storage space
  4. Geeks use Markdown


  • Convert Word documents (.docx files) to Markdown: Mammoth
  • A markdown parser and compiler: Marked