# snippets
Browser JavaScript Implements RSA Private Key Decryption
Use browser js to realize RSA private key decryption.
DIV Sets a Pseudo Class Bottom Border
You can use CSS pseudo-elements (::after or ::before) to set a pseudo-class bottom border for div elements.
JavaScript Implements the Number M to Form an Array of N Elements
To implement an array of n numbers, you can use JavaScript to write a function that generates such an array.
TypeScript Implements Conversion of Flat Structure Into Tree Structure
To convert a given tiled array of Item into a tree-structured ITreeItem, you can use a recursive approach to build the tree.
Get URL file content
Implemented with JavaScript, given a URL, get the content of this file.
Github Short Message
when replying to a PR on GitHub, you may see abbreviations such as LGTM, ACK, and NACK. What do they mean?
JavaScript Click on the Link to Send Email
There is a link on the page, clicking on this link triggers the function of sending an email
Minimize Sidebar Component
Use js to design a component that minimizes the sidebar.
Nodejs Get Server Hardware Information
Use nodejs to obtain server hardware information (MAC address, IP address, CPU serial number, motherboard serial number).
Nodejs implements RSA private key decryption
Use node.js to implement RSA private key decryption.