LeetCode Notes: Sequence of Consecutive Positive Numbers Whose Sum Is S
Input a positive integer target
, and output all consecutive positive integer sequences (containing at least two numbers) whose sum is target
The numbers in the sequence are arranged from smallest to largest, and different sequences are arranged from smallest to largest according to the first number.
Example 1:
Input: target = 9
Output: [[2,3,4],[4,5]]
Example 2:
Input: target = 15
Output: [[1,2,3,4,5],[4,5,6],[7,8]]
-1 <= target <= 10^5
Using the idea of ​​sliding window
- Starting from 1 to accumulate the sum of the numbers of the sliding window, we call it the sum
- When moving the window, if the sum does not reach the target value, move the right boundary to the right to increase the sum, and then loop to find the next matching value
- When moving the window, the sum is exactly equal to the target value, and the array of sliding windows is stored. At this time, you can no longer move the right boundary to the right, because once the right boundary is moved, the sum must exceed the target value and cannot match the target value again. So we should move the left border to the right, and then loop to find the next matching value
- When moving the window, the sum exceeds the target value, and the right boundary obviously cannot continue to move to the right. Because this is the same as the situation mentioned above, the target cannot be matched again afterwards, so we should also move the left boundary to the right, and then loop to find the next A matching value
* @param {number} target
* @return {number[][]}
var findContinuousSequence = function(target) {
let start = 1 //The starting position of the sliding window, which is the left boundary
let end = 1 //The end position of the sliding window, which is the right boundary
let sum = 0 //The sum of the numbers of the sliding window, used to compare with the target
result = [] //Result array
// Start position, once start is larger than half of target, start + start + 1 will exceed the size of target, no need to recycle
while(start <= target / 2){
// Did not reach the target value, continue to search
if(sum <target){
sum += end
end += 1
// Exceed the target value, move the left boundary to the right
else if(sum> target){
sum -= start
start += 1
// Equal to the target value, store it, and move the left boundary to the right
//Get the incrementing array through the start and end values, such as: 2,4 => [2,3]
let res = [...new Array(end).keys()].slice(start)
sum -= start
start += 1
return result