Recommend a Vuepress Template, One-Click To Quickly Build a Document Station


vuepress-template is a simple VuePress case template. The purpose is to allow users to directly clone this warehouse as a startup project for initializing a VuePress website, and then add custom configurations and functions based on this project.

Why recommend this template?

Some students who are new to VuePress will encounter large and small problems after following the official tutorial, especially the file directory, packaging, and plug-in installation. If you copy the official warehouse directly, it will be larger, so if there is such a simple initial template, it will be very convenient to start it directly.

And the corresponding plug-in can directly see the effect, making it easier to use.

Online case

Online Document

Main content (continuous update)

Some niche templates, themes, and plugins are specially displayed in the project, and I recommend everyone to pay attention and use them

1. Theme

The community has developed a large number of themes, here are some unusual but unique themes. For example: vuepress-theme-blogplus A concise blog theme

2. Plugins

The plug-in list lists the effective VuePress plug-ins installed on the website, including official plug-ins, community plug-ins and niche plug-ins.

Especially niche plug-ins, because some plug-ins may provide relatively small demand for functions, and some customized components, the vuepress community plug-in list is not necessarily included, but there may still be a small number of students who need these plug-ins, then our website These plug-ins may be included for reference by students in need. For example, vuepress-plugin-qrocde, a plug-in that displays the QR code of the current URL for mobile devices to scan (now it has been officially awesome-vuepres list included)

How to use?

Step 1

Download the warehouse code of Vuepress Template

git clone

Step 2

Installation dependencies

cd vuepress-template
yarn # or npm i

Step 3

Start the project, then you can modify the configuration and write document content according to your needs

npm run docs:dev

Step 4

Packaged project

npm run docs:build

As a result, a dist folder will be generated in the docs/.vuepress/ directory, which contains the packaged code


These custom developed plugins and themes are also a new learning channel. If you have a plug-in or theme developed by yourself, you are also welcome to submit the project URL to issues of VuePress Template or submit a PR directly, and the maintainer will consider including it. In the list of plugins, as a supplement to the official awesome-vuepress list.
