Auto-Save ChatGPT History


Recently, many friends have reported that ChatGPT’s conversation records are lost, and the previous records will not be displayed, but a paragraph will be displayed in the sidebar

Not seeing what you expected here? Don't worry, your conversation data is preserved! Check back soon.

It is possible to have a normal conversation with ChatGPT, but the new conversation cannot be saved, and it will disappear as soon as the page is refreshed. Although the official promise will be restored, many users are still worried about losing their records. I also took advantage of a period of time when the records were restored, and quickly saved the important records.

It is recommended to use the Chrome extension ChatGPT to Markdown, which supports one-click export of the current conversation record

So is there a way to save the newly started conversation record in real time? Next, I will introduce to you my latest ChatGPT conversation recording auto-save plugin - Auto-save ChatGPT History


Method 1: Store Search

You can search Auto-save ChatGPT History from Google Chrome extension store

  1. First open Google Chrome or Edge browser and enter Extension Store:
  2. Search Auto-save ChatGPT History, then you will find many similar plug-ins, please be sure to look for the plug-ins provided by
  3. Click to enter the plug-in details page to install

Method 2: Direct access

You can also directly visit Auto-save ChatGPT History plug-in introduction page to install this plug-in

Auto-save ChatGPT History:


  1. Open the ChatGPT chat page and chat with ChatGPT
  2. Click the icon in the upper right corner of the page to open the "Chat History" dialog box
  3. Switch all chat records in the left navigation


Now this plug-in is still updating the function, and the export function will be considered in the future. Any questions or feature requests, please contact

